Friday, 28 February 2025

How to Find Talented Book Cover Designers UK?

Do the trending book covers inspire you as a reader and a writer? As an author, who opts for self publishing on Amazon and elsewhere, you must always have a keenness to know about the trending book cover designs luring readers to pick the book from the shelves and buy it. Period!

After so much of the rigorous hard work of writing and publishing the book, all that you can expect is to bring it more to the target audience that will be interested in buying it. The most interesting part is today, according to a survey, most readers are driven by the cover designs of any book they read or buy whether online or from a bookstore, despite considering the writer, publishing house, content, characters and whatever. Therefore, when it comes to finding and appointing a book cover designer for Amazon Kindle direct publishing after the editing is done- then make sure that this person is carrying the Chalice of hope for you by creating a jaw-dropping cover design for your new book.

Here are some ideas to find the most talented book cover designers in the UK—

Join the book clubs

You can learn about some of the crazy talented book cover designers UK, at the book clubs, whether online or offline. And when we are talking about the United Kingdom, then this land has been the harbinger of English literature, so you can be pretty sure to connect with some of the immensely talented cover designers from book clubs, where as a writer, you often share blurbs for feedback before publishing.

Tab on Social Media

Social media channels are there to help you find uniquely talented book cover designers, whether already famous or not. You need a focused designer with some fresh ideas on the genre for designing the book you are about to publish.

Follow YouTube Channels

Explore YouTube to find a couple of cover designers showcasing their works so far and are interested in working on interesting projects.

Consult self-publishing agencies

Despite book editing and finalizing the book layout format, the self-publishing agency can help you connect with a talented book cover designer.

Reference from a close friend

Get a reference from a close friend or a colleague who has hired a designer recently to create cover designs for their books.

Approach a cover designer directly

Finally, you can directly approach any designer or agency if any of their recent creations on a book has blown your mind.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

How Writers Find Their Characters & Create Gripping Plots?

There is a saying that cinema and books create a direct impact on individuals and society and they are highly influenced by the characters. As a matter of fact, in reality, it is exactly the opposite because writers take the characters straight from our society and events happening in our everyday lives to create the masterpieces that they depict on the silver screen or in books. As an aspiring writer, if you are also seeking ideas to collect for crafting memorable characters then, follow some ideas that ace writers often share. After you complete the manuscript and share it with a self-publishing company they can convert it into a book or an eBook and wait for the readers’ response about your fresh publication.

Some ideas about how writers find their characters and create gripping plots—

Become a good observer & listener

Even the professional who performs the book cover design for the new publications keeps a close connection with what is happening outside the walls and inside. Keep updated about recent events, and remarkable or significant individuals whether in the political scenario or family- you can learn a lot about human psychology.

Read others’ works as much as possible from classics to contemporary

Despite reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Nietzsche, or Nabokov to under human psychology, you can also open your mind, eyes, and ears to become a good observer. Every people passing by you, and every event happening in front of you can inspire you to tell a story.

Even the animal world has an immense contribution to developing gripping plots. Read The Fly, Ox or Animal Farm, an instant of the finest form of political satirical. If your storytelling compels you to add some illustrations on some pages, don’t hesitate to hire an illustrator for the finest outcome.

Define some real-life characters & events that have influenced you or left a deep mark on you

Writers learn a lot from the real-life characters they have in their lives or meet every day leaving a deep mark inside them. You can also discuss it with the book cover creator if you are intrigued to add some references of such images as illustrations on your book cover to offer a glimpse of the story inside.

Following trends is necessary for plot development. Sometimes slipping into the shoes of contemporary artists to craft your art is beneficial for your business and connects with the interested readers.

How to Find Talented Book Cover Designers UK?

Do the trending book covers inspire you as a reader and a writer? As an author, who opts for  self publishing on Amazon  and elsewhere, you ...